Welcome to Susanville United Methodist Church!
Join us in person at 10:30 am on Sundays for Worship in our Sanctuary.
We gather at 10:30 am with music, and the service starts at 10:45 am.
Join us online via Zoom each week for…
Worship – Sundays at 9:00 am (not during July) and 10:30 am
Bible Study – Tuesdays at 7:00 pm (not during July)
For more details on the login info, click here to visit our “Online Gatherings” page.
Welcome to a vibrant community providing all people a place to connect with faith and people.
Thank you for connecting with us! Whether you’re new to church or have spent your entire life in church (any church), you are welcome! We are a warm-hearted and fun-loving community of people who enjoy growing our relationships with God and each other. Each Sunday’s services include a message and lots of music to remind you that you are a unique creation and a blessing to our community.
We are all on a spiritual journey, and we want to support you in your personal journey of discovering your faith. We want you to always feel invited, but never feel pressured. This goes for people of all ages! All of our programs are designed to help you understand how much God loves you and how to live lives that reflect our belief that “God is love.”
We invite people from all walks of life to participate in our community and worship life without insisting that they change in order to be acceptable; this includes:
those who hope for a better world
those who have lost hope
those of all races and cultures
skeptics and agnostics
those of all sexual orientations and gender identities
those of all classes and abilities
those who have been burned by a previous church experience
HOPE Food Pantry
We host a weekly food pantry out of our Social Hall on Cottage Street every Friday from 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm.
Anyone who needs food is welcome! No ID is required. Please do NOT arrive before 2:15 pm. Click here for more info.
We invite you to visit with us, worship with us, serve with us, and consider joining us for this adventure called life!
Please contact our church office at 530-257-5893 if you have any questions or contact us.
We look forward to meeting you!