Genesis 12:1-9; 15:1-6 – Abraham’s Call Story

Genesis 12:1-9; 15:1-6 – Abraham’s Call Story

firmly believe that God has positioned and equipped us with everything we need to get to the next step. We need to be using all of our senses to detect God’s leadings. We need to trust that, as a loving creator, God wants the best for us and for our community. We need to share our life and faith stories with each other so that we can be encouraged, we can encourage others, and we – working and talking together – can more clearly understand where God is leading us next.

Two weeks ago, we sang Amy Grant’s, Thy Word, a song inspired by Psalm 119:105Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” We can take only one step at a time. Even the great Jesse Owens ran and jumped one step at a time. When we make ourselves available to God and seek God’s leading, we also need to muster the courage to trust God’s leading light and take that next step. If we do so, if we emulate Abram’s unwavering faith in and commitment to God, then we allow God’s life-changing, world-changing Spirit to move in us and through us. When God’s Spirit is freely moving, our lives and our community will be forever transformed and thus better able to accept the Good News of God’s love and experience the Kingdom of God here and now.

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Trusting Our Creator – Genesis 21:1-21

Trusting Our Creator – Genesis 21:1-21

Some of the best advice ever given to me is this: “Don’t worry about the details; focus on learning the concepts. When you understand the concepts, you’ll be able to figure out the details regardless of the situation.”
The concepts in this week’s story are: 1) God is the Creator of All, 2) God is Approachable, 3) Do not be Afraid, 4) God Never Abandons Us
Actively LOOK for ways to include people who are marginalized or rejected. WORK to include them in... everything. If we do that, if we reach out to others the way God reached out to Hagar, we will be beacons of hope, we will be light in the darkness, and we will certainly create the “Peace on Earth” we pray for each week!

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Extraordinary Living – Genesis 18:1-15

Extraordinary Living – Genesis 18:1-15

When we do what is possible – what is ordinary, God can do the impossible – the extraordinary through us. If all of us take just one step forward each week in our efforts to love God, love ourselves, and love others, I am convinced that we will personally experience extraordinary moments of emotional and spiritual growth which will lead to our community being transformed before our very eyes. And we can do this knowing that God is taking those steps with us.

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