Virtue #6: Teamwork – 4 Scripture Readings

Virtue #6: Teamwork – 4 Scripture Readings

If you need me – or any of our members, especially our Church Council members – to stop being “productive” and start being compassionate, from now on, all you have to do is tell me or text me, “Charles, I need 40 seconds.” And I will do the same with many of you when I need a moment of compassion for myself. Why? Because life happens and we ALL need to hear and feel God’s love.

Yes, the “business operations” of our church are important. But we, each one of us, are more important than any activity, event, decoration, song, or well-researched Sunday message. We, all of us, ARE the organic, living, “Body of Christ,” the love of God made real to ourselves and to each other. Compassion is what holds us together in the Kingdom of God. And compassion is how we, working together as a selfless, coordinated team will transform individuals, families, and organizations throughout our community.

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Virtue #1: Flourishing Churches Believe in Miracles and Act Accordingly – Exodus 14:21-31, Acts 2:42-43

Virtue #1: Flourishing Churches Believe in Miracles and Act Accordingly – Exodus 14:21-31, Acts 2:42-43

Virtue # 1 is a belief in miracles. Flourishing churches believe that God has worked in the life of their church in miraculous ways, they celebrate how God is currently working in miraculous ways, and they act in a way that expects God will continue blessing and guiding them in ways they cannot anticipate or explain.

Acting as if we believe that the Holy Spirit is up to something in our midst is the single greatest game-changing decision a church leadership team [or a Christian] can make.” (Eight Virtues, Kindle 214).

Let’s name our wants, our concerns, our joys and burdens. Let’s discuss these. Let’s pray about these so that God can lead us and give us wisdom that may cause us to adjust our wants and our prayers. And when God answers our prayers, let us act in faith, receive the miraculous blessings God sends us, and celebrate God moving among and through us.

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