John 15 – Vine & Branches

John 15 – Vine & Branches

Twice in today’s reading Jesus says very clearly, “Love each other like I have loved you.” That’s the core, the essential message of Jesus’ life and ministry. And how did He love his followers? He embraced them as they were, He built relationships with them, and He nurtured them so they could become more of who God created them to be: mature people able to love others more than they could image was possible.

Opening ourselves to new growth is how the Kingdom of God naturally expands within us and through us. This is one way we continually become new creations through our faith. This is how we, and our community, are transformed from who and what we are into the potential God has placed within each of us. May we all embrace and celebrate our pruning.

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John 10:1-21 – The Good Shepherd Calls Us to Abundant Living

John 10:1-21 – The Good Shepherd Calls Us to Abundant Living

In verse 10, Jesus says, “I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” Remember the Great Commandments? Love God, love yourself, and love others. What if we used that as a guide and a measure of abundant living?

  • If you felt like you had a direct, personal, intimate, conversational relationship with God, would you describe that as living abundantly?

  • If you loved yourself – loved who you are, if you could look in the mirror and say, “I like that person!”... would you describe that as living abundantly?

  • If you found it easier to love other people – even people you don’t enjoy being around... would you describe that as living abundantly?

If we trust Jesus and believe that He’s telling us the truth, then we can follow the words of our Good Shepherd and begin living more abundant lives.

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John 3:1-17 – Born Again, into a New Life

John 3:1-17 – Born Again, into a New Life

Share the following with God in prayer this week:

  1. Lord, what do I need to let go of so that you can lift me to higher places. (Imagine dropping weights from a hot air balloon so you can take off. Your journey can’t continue if you don’t let go of what’s holding you back.)

  2. God of new life, delivery me into a new relationship with you.

  3. God of peace, like baby Jesus in the manger, wrap me in Your love so that I have no reason to feel alone or afraid.

I sincerely believe that if you seek a deeper relationship with God, like a good mid-wife, God will guide you and nudge you into new births and new spiritual growth. With God working in us and around us, all of us can be “born again,” born and reborn into the Kingdom of God where we can live, love, and serve bigger and better than ever before.

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Mark 16:1-8 – Jesus has Risen! What’s Next?

Mark 16:1-8 – Jesus has Risen! What’s Next?

The Good News of Easter is that the rolled stone and the empty tomb tells us that God is at work in our lives doing what we cannot do. God is actively working for us and with us to create new possibilities beyond our imaginations. Rather than worry about possible problems, we can look to our future with joy and hope.
Today, how will we – individually and as a church – respond to the empty tomb, to the risen Jesus? As we strive to follow God’s lead and expand the Kingdom of God within ourselves and throughout our communities, we must ask, what’s next?

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Seedlings in the Kingdom of God – Mark 4:24-41

Seedlings in the Kingdom of God – Mark 4:24-41

Whether it’s within you, in your home, your office, your classroom, or anywhere else, know that each one of you is an important part of God’s active and ongoing creation. We all have our own roles to play in God’s garden. We can take great relief knowing that – by design – we do not have total control and success does not depend on any one of us. Thank God! And we can take great joy knowing that God is working alongside us as we, together, help the Kingdom of God grow in magnificent ways that bless us and the people in our community.

It may be cold today, but spring is coming, and I hope that you, like me, are looking forward to seeing what God grows around us.

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