Mark 5:21-43 – “Don’t be afraid. Just have faith.”

Mark 5:21-43 – “Don’t be afraid. Just have faith.”

The beauty of the Good News of God’s love is that Jesus shared it so freely and in so many different ways. The Kingdom of God is not about increasing what we have, not even for the church we love. The Kingdom of God is about being present, with ourselves and with others, and helping others connect with and experience God’s creative, loving, healing presence. When we’re able to create those moments, everyone can celebrate renewed life.

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For God, All Things Are Possible – Matthew 19:13-26

For God, All Things Are Possible – Matthew 19:13-26

God’s primary desire for us is to be in relationship with us. Think about that. Yes, as His precious, beloved children, God wants us to be happy and healthy. And, even more than that, God wants us to be in close relationship with Him. And to get us there, God does not ask us to do anything that we cannot do. Following God’s leading may be difficult, but there’s a world of difference between difficult and impossible.

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Childlike, not Childish – Matthew 18:1-14

Childlike, not Childish – Matthew 18:1-14

If all of us, individually and as a community of faith, could be a little more childlike, offering ourselves as ambassadors of God to the people around us, offering all we have, all we can, without restraint, without shame, and without worry for our own futures…
If we could exhibit those childlike traits, we would all make major strides toward creating the Kingdom of God in our midst.

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