1 Samuel 3:1-10, 18-20 – Samuel's Call Story

1 Samuel 3:1-10, 18-20 – Samuel's Call Story

From Hannah, we learn that God may respond to our prayers through the words and actions of people around us as Eli did for Hannah. And we learn to patiently await the fulfillment of answered prayers.
From Samuel, we learn to be active listeners, and we learn that neither our age nor our qualifications or accomplishments – OR lack thereof – prevent God from speaking to us directly.
From Eli, we learn the value of the wisdom we’ve acquired throughout our lives and the importance of nurturing younger generations despite our own failings. We are never Unqualified for God to use us.

As we, individually and collectively, look to our future, let us all pray with Hannah’s deep passion, let us all listen with Samuel’s attentiveness, and let us all serve those around us with Eli’s nurturing wisdom. As much as we are able to explore and express our faith in these ways, we will continue to create moments where God’s love is able to irrupt in our homes and in our community.

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