9 Readings – God’s Voice OR Our Imagination?

9 Readings – God’s Voice OR Our Imagination?

How to tell if God is calling / drawing / tugging at / communicating with you:
God’s message / communication with you will sound like it comes from a place of love.
#2: God’s voice will help you understand how to better love God, love yourself, & love others.
#3: God will lead you to places of need where you can serve others.
#4: God will draw you to be a light of justice, kindness, and humility.
#5: God’s leading often appeals to our “natural” (i.e. God-given) interests and abilities.

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Jonah 1:1-17 – Jonah’s Call Story

Jonah 1:1-17 – Jonah’s Call Story

The questions to us today – individually and as a faith community – are ones of critical (analytical) self-reflection:

  • Are we somehow resisting God’s leading? If so, how? Why?
    The answers to those questions are the beginning of healthy discussions and prayers.

  • Is God calling us to do or say something that, for whatever reason, forces us outside our comfort zones? Are we willing to be uncomfortable for the sake of helping others connect with a God who dearly loves them?

  • When we look at Jesus’ life of reaching out to the outcasts, of touching the untouchables, of sharing meals with society’s rejects, do we say, “Sorry Lord, that’s not for me.” If that’s the case, what are we willing to do for God? Our loving Creator will journey with us wherever we are willing to go.

Where is God leading you? Consider starting each day telling God, “Help me see where you’re leading me today, and give me the faith and strength to follow.” As we follow, God will provide and blessings will come.

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