Micah 6:6-8 – Justice, Loving Kindness, Humility

Micah 6:6-8 – Justice, Loving Kindness, Humility

What does it mean for us today to live out our faith walking hand-in-hand with a God who wants us to seek justice, show “loving-kindness,” and remain humble? Inspired by this, our daily prayer might be, “Lord, show me where and when I can nurture justice by fighting wrongs and healing wounds. Show me every opportunity to plant seeds of loving kindness, even if it’s just a smile or a few encouraging words. And help me feel you walking with me today.”

If anyone asks you, “What is God’s plan for us? What does God want me to do?” the answer is simple, personal, and open-ended: humbly walk with God while you seek justice and show “loving-kindness.” If we do this, we will find ourselves welcoming others into the place of healing and wholeness that we call the Kingdom of God.

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