Leadership Jesus’ Way – Matthew 20:17-28

Leadership Jesus’ Way – Matthew 20:17-28

Jesus tells his disciples then, and us today, “Here’s how you lead: by serving others.” When we tackle a situation by asking, “What would Jesus do?” we open ourselves to following the leadership examples of God in the flesh. We have to work at understanding the concepts of Jesus’ words and actions and determine how we can apply those concepts to our own modern situations.

Jesus looked for God’s leading and followed it. God continues inviting us, drawing us, luring us into opportunities for us to lead our families and our community. By following God’s lead, we can truly be the light of God’s love, piercing the darkness, shining for all to see. The best question we can ask each day is, “Lord, what can I do for you?” and then respond with faith, hope, and love.

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That’s Not Fair!… Or is it? – Matthew 20:1-16

That’s Not Fair!… Or is it? – Matthew 20:1-16

Today’s parable lets us know that everyone, no matter when they come to embrace God’s love, is welcome in the Kingdom of Heaven. They come not by their works or how long they have believed, but by God’s Grace.
Do we rejoice or are we envious of new members? Many people we don’t expect to see in the Kingdom will be there. The criminal who repented as he was dying (Luke 23:40-43) will be there along with people who have believed and served God for many years.
We need to focus on God’s gracious blessings to us and be thankful for what we have. When we look at God’s generosity to others, we can see His love at work. We can spread the love by being His hands and feet in the world.

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For God, All Things Are Possible – Matthew 19:13-26

For God, All Things Are Possible – Matthew 19:13-26

God’s primary desire for us is to be in relationship with us. Think about that. Yes, as His precious, beloved children, God wants us to be happy and healthy. And, even more than that, God wants us to be in close relationship with Him. And to get us there, God does not ask us to do anything that we cannot do. Following God’s leading may be difficult, but there’s a world of difference between difficult and impossible.

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