Luke 1:26-45 – The Advent of LOVE

Luke 1:26-45 – The Advent of LOVE

Today’s Advent theme is love, and trust is certainly a huge part of any loving relationship. Through love, trust is able to overcome fear. Mary was too young, and Elizabeth was too old to birth new life. Yet, as an expression of their love for God, they both trusted God’s leading, miracles occurred, and their lives – and the world – were forever changed.

God called Elizabeth and Mary into co-creating the future. Of all the people alive, the Creator of the Universe said, “I want YOU, I pick YOU to help me do something new that will play a pivotal role in changing the world.” God calls out to us, today, in the same way.

During this Advent season, let us all follow Elizabeth and Mary, letting our love of God lead us into trusting God even more as we work with God and with each other to nurture what we already have while we seek new ways to birth the Kingdom of God into our community.

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