Isaiah 9:2, 6-7 and Luke 2:1-20 – Christmas Eve: Peace

Isaiah 9:2, 6-7 and Luke 2:1-20 – Christmas Eve: Peace

The story of Christmas, the message of Christmas IS the Good News that God loves us SO MUCH that God would make Himself into flesh so that God could walk and talk and eat and laugh and cry with us... that Christmas story and that Good News continues throughout the year when we allow God’s Spirit to fill us, to lead us, and to act through us.

Christmas has become a season obsessed with gift-giving. This year, I encourage you to look beyond the ribbons, and bows, and wrapping paper... celebrate the moments and spaces of peace in your life. And look for opportunities to share peace with your family and friends. When we do so, we will live into the beautiful lyrics, “Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me.”

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Luke 3:2b-16 – The Advent of JOY, "Jesus is coming. Look busy!"

Luke 3:2b-16 – The Advent of JOY, "Jesus is coming. Look busy!"

Jesus calls us to a more personal, more immediate, and more intimate expression of sacrifice. When we share with others, we are worshiping; we are thanking God for what we have AND for the opportunity to bless others.

Putting our faith into action is a critical part of a healthy, functioning spiritual life. As someone in our Bible Study asked, “What outward expressions would be worthy of the change we’ve felt inside of us?”

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Luke 1:26-45 – The Advent of LOVE

Luke 1:26-45 – The Advent of LOVE

Today’s Advent theme is love, and trust is certainly a huge part of any loving relationship. Through love, trust is able to overcome fear. Mary was too young, and Elizabeth was too old to birth new life. Yet, as an expression of their love for God, they both trusted God’s leading, miracles occurred, and their lives – and the world – were forever changed.

God called Elizabeth and Mary into co-creating the future. Of all the people alive, the Creator of the Universe said, “I want YOU, I pick YOU to help me do something new that will play a pivotal role in changing the world.” God calls out to us, today, in the same way.

During this Advent season, let us all follow Elizabeth and Mary, letting our love of God lead us into trusting God even more as we work with God and with each other to nurture what we already have while we seek new ways to birth the Kingdom of God into our community.

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Luke 1:57-80 – The Advent of PEACE, Shalom

Luke 1:57-80 – The Advent of PEACE, Shalom

Christmas is truly the season of looking forward to new additions to our lives that arrive as unearned gifts from others. In a nation torn apart by politics, in a community still staggering from the blows of economic challenges and wildfire recovery, in a culture that tells us we always need to have more and be more... Peace, Shalom, may be the greatest gift of all this year.

Remember, the word peace we’re using today is our translation of the Hebrew word Shalom – a word that includes the concepts of being in a state of wholeness, completeness in our relationships with God, with ourselves, and with each other. This is far deeper, far more encompassing than “have a nice day.”

Thankfully, God offers us a never-ending supply of peace, shalom, if we simply accept and participate in that gift of peace. Every day, we have opportunities to re-gift that shalom to others so they can benefit as well. During this Christmas / Advent season, I encourage you to gift and re-gift shalom freely and with wild abandon... to yourself, your families, your coworkers, your classmates, and anyone else you meet.

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Psalm 25:1-10; 21 – The Advent of HOPE

Psalm 25:1-10; 21 – The Advent of HOPE

Our loving God wants nothing more than for us to run into His arms with the love and trust of a little child. And that, that is the hope we have in our relationship with God. As Archbishop Desmond Tutu said, “Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.” Having hope requires effort and determination on our part.

No matter what we have done or what we have failed to do, God is always with us, always ready to forgive us, to mend our hearts and souls, and to teach us so that we don’t repeat the errors of our past, but instead, better follow God’s leading in our lives. In this season of Advent, we too expectantly wait for God, hoping and trusting that God will help us sense God’s life-giving presence in and among us.

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John 1:1-18 – Called to Be Light in the Darkness

John 1:1-18 – Called to Be Light in the Darkness

2,000 years ago, God poured Himself into human flesh and became a source of light and life in a time and place dark with corruption, abuse, neglect, and suffering. Jesus focused on and shared the joy of a profoundly personal relationship with God. Through His words and actions, Jesus was light in dark places.

Today’s verses press us to ask questions that may make us uncomfortable.
How ARE we light for others?
How CAN we be light for others?
How can we be “full of unfailing love and faithfulness, full of grace and truth” to others?

As we share our faith with others through word and actions, like Jesus, we too can be light in dark places. Like Jesus, we too can be signs of the new life God offers all humanity. This is what it means to be the hands and feet of Jesus in our community. This is what it means to grow the Kingdom of God.

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The Advent of LOVE – John 1:1-9, 14

The Advent of LOVE – John 1:1-9, 14

John’s story tells us that the essence of Jesus has always existed and plays an ongoing role in the creation of the universe, our planet, and every person who has ever lived.
John describes Jesus as being light in darkness. John’s words challenge us to acknowledge the darkness in our own lives and in the lives of others AND find ways to bring a helpful light into those dark places.
No matter who or where we are; no matter what we have or have not done, we fundamentally believe that the light of God’s love IS with us through it all helping us see hope in the midst of despair, helping us see faith in the midst of uncertainty.
What price are we willing to pay to be light in darkness, to bring God’s love to people who desperately need it?

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The Advent of PEACE – Luke 1:26-38

The Advent of PEACE – Luke 1:26-38

In this season of Advent, this season of looking forward with anticipation, today’s story presses us to ask ourselves – individually and as a church…

  • How is God inviting us to birth God’s loving presence into our community?

  • Will we steadfastly remain connected with God, continuously praying for God’s leading?

  • Can we overcome our own doubts and insecurities?

  • Will we work to prepare ourselves for an unknown future?

  • Can we deflect external negative criticisms?

  • Is our skin thick enough to be servants of God?

Like Elizabeth and Mary, despite the inevitable growing pains ahead, can we joyfully await the advent of a new season in our own lives and in the life of our church? Do we have the courage and bold humility to see ourselves and our faith community as instruments of God’s peace?

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The Advent of HOPE – Matthew 1:18-2:2

The Advent of HOPE – Matthew 1:18-2:2

Today’s story shares the advent of a new era, a new way of understanding the Good News that God’s love, peace, and hope is for everyone. Matthew’s story reminds us that, like Jesus, we can expand the Kingdom of God when we share this gift with ourselves and others, especially people who may be feeling a bit Scroogish or Grinchish this time of year.

Matthew’s story reminds us that we are all God’s children, all God’s family and thus, no matter what we have or have not done with our lives, we are all accepted and loved by the Creator of the Universe.

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And I will walk among you - Christmas Eve

And I will walk among you - Christmas Eve

In Leviticus 26:12, God says "And I will walk among you, and I will be your God, and you shall be my people." Through Jesus 2,000 years ago, and through the words and actions we share with each other today, God does walk among us. The Creator of the Universe is our God – our creator, and we are His people. And that my friends is the Good News of the Christmas season!

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The Genesis of Jesus - Matthew 1:18-25

The Genesis of Jesus - Matthew 1:18-25

Today’s reading talks about the events just before the birth of Jesus. But twice in today’s chapter, the original author avoided the common Hebrew word for birth; instead, he used the word genesis which is an overt connection to the original Genesis – the story of God creating something dramatically new.
Today’s story is about God creating not just a baby, but a whole new way for humanity to be in relationship with God.

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It’s OK to Ask! - Matthew 11:1-11

It’s OK to Ask! - Matthew 11:1-11

People learn by asking questions. But sometimes we may feel too shy or embarrassed to ask a question (or several!) because we wonder if we’re the only person who doesn’t know the answer. We don’t want to look foolish, ignorant, or like we’re not fully committed to a cause or belief system. But in today’s reading, John the Baptist shows us that it’s good to ask questions – especially tough questions about our faith. Those questions can lead us to seeing God’s presence in our lives.

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Prepare the Way! - Matthew 3:1-12

Prepare the Way! - Matthew 3:1-12

Advent is a time for reflecting… for reprioritizing… for repenting, redirecting… all of which prepares us for greater intimacy with God and an increased capacity to receive the new and unexpected gifts God has prepared for us.
Advent matters because WE matter – each one of us. Our lives and our relationships with God and each other matters. And through these relationships, we can anxiously anticipate God birthing something wonderfully new into our lives.

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