An Open Table for All – Matthew 21:1-11 and Matthew 26:14-56

An Open Table for All – Matthew 21:1-11 and Matthew 26:14-56

Through His words and actions, Jesus challenges us to empathize with the hurts and angers of others so that we can find ways to share God’s blessings. Actively look for ways you can share God’s love – especially with people you may find challenging to befriend. Because the people who are the most hurt, the most angry, the most depressed, are also the people most in need of God’s love.

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Let Me Tell You What God’s Done! – Psalm 40:1-11

Let Me Tell You What God’s Done! – Psalm 40:1-11

The Good News is a gift, not a burden. It is the gift of hope, not blame. The gift of joy, not shame. The gift of love, not disdain. And we can share these gifts by telling others how God has saved us. I encourage you to share a time or some way, big or small, that God has saved (or blessed) you. Share this gift with someone, anyone, because we need to share our joy about God’s love with those who would not otherwise see, hear, or feel it.

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